Keg Sales

Yes, we sell kegs!

We can source kegs for you party or event.  Simply pick your beer or cider from the list below and fill out the form for an availability check.

Here’s the details…

We get deliveries throughout the week, but each brewery/distributor only delivers once per week.  Because of this we have to meet order dates to get your keg the same week, order dates are listed in the table below.  Just because it’s on the list does not mean it’s available… inventories are constantly changing.

If you need a hand pump tap, we have a few available.  They are $10/week to rent, + $50 deposit.

We can take most empty kegs in for trade, if you don’t have one there is a $50 deposit.

We recommend that you pick up your beer as close to your event as possible, unless you have a fridge to keep it cold.  The more it warms up the more it will foam.

We MAY have cups available for purchase, plan ahead.

When we check availability we can send you an invoice to pay by credit card, however there is a 3% credit card fee on keg purchases.  Feel free to stop in and pay cash to avoid the charge.